Close Quarter Battle (CQB)
CLass Details
Our Close Quarter Battle (CQB) course, taught by former special forces veterans, is a comprehensive training program that equips participants with the skills and mindset necessary for close-quarters combat scenarios. The course places a strong emphasis on situational awareness, ensuring that individuals are trained to be keenly aware of their surroundings at all times. By teaching observation techniques and honing instincts, participants develop the ability to assess potential threats and make informed decisions in high-pressure situations.
In addition to situational awareness, the course covers concealed gun carry techniques. Participants learn the proper methods of safely and effectively carrying a concealed firearm, including drawing from concealment and engaging targets with precision and accuracy. The instruction is based on real-world scenarios, ensuring that students are well-prepared to handle a variety of self-defense situations.
Moreover, the course delves into concealed knife carry, recognizing the importance of a well-rounded skill set in close-quarter encounters. Students learn various knife deployment techniques, defensive tactics, and effective use of a concealed knife as a last-resort self-defense tool. By mastering the art of concealed knife carry, participants gain an additional layer of self-reliance and are better equipped to defend themselves in situations where a firearm may not be accessible or appropriate.
The Close Quarter Battle course taught by our former special forces veterans provides a comprehensive and practical approach to self-defense in close-quarter encounters. Through a combination of situational awareness training, concealed gun carry techniques, and concealed knife carry instruction, participants gain the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively protect themselves and others. The course instills a heightened sense of awareness, adaptability, and the ability to make split-second decisions, enabling individuals to confidently navigate close-quarters combat scenarios.